Press Release – Surviving to Thriving: West Berks COVID-19 Mental Health Fund

The coronavirus pandemic has had a detrimental impact on the mental health and wellbeing of many people. Greenham Trust and West Berkshire Council are therefore working in partnership to create a new fund to support mental health and wellbeing across West Berkshire.

The £200,000 Surviving to Thriving fund is aimed at all not-for-profit organisations operating in West Berkshire and will provide varying sizes of grants (from small amounts of £500 up to a maximum of £30,000) that will help them to carry out their activities (possibly online), make one-off purchases or set up new initiatives that can help to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on mental health and wellbeing.

Guidance for users creating a grant application for this fund:

  1. Charitable organisations must create a new fundraising project on The Good Exchange platform (not try to amend an existing project)
  2. Include the words ‘Mental Health / Surviving to Thriving’ in the project’s title
  3. The 1st paragraph of the project’s description must include an outline of the fundraising project and how it relates to COVID-19 and mental health.