Press Coverage – Greenham Trust: How to get the most from match funding

Chris Boulton, CEO of Greenham Trust talks about how Double Matched Day gave local charities the chance to treble their money.

The coronavirus pandemic has hit the charity sector especially hard, with more causes to support and fewer people with the resources to do so. Innovative approaches to charitable funding and donations are needed now more than ever. Match funding campaigns can incentivise both charities and their supporters to raise significant amounts of money in a short space of time, and are an example of a collaborative approach to fundraising that could help revitalise the charity sector.

By offering a means for £1 to become £2, match funding can raise a significant amount of money in half the time it would usually take to reach the same amount. A recent example of how successful it can be is Greenham Trust’s Double Matched Day, where donations were double matched by Greenham Trust via The Good Exchange, its online fundraising platform. On Double Matched Day the funds raised through donations and fundraising activities were in effect trebled the funds raised, so £1 became £3.

The day raised a total of £182,036 from 1,359 donations and match funding in just 24 hours.

Visit Civil Society’s Fundraising Magazine to read the full story.