Community Forum – Crowdfunding Platform Fees and Charges

If you’ve ever wondered how much it is really costing your charitable organisation to use online fundraising platforms and which ones offer the best service, you can find out the answers by listening to the recording of our community forum which was held on Wednesday 4th November 2020.

The forum covered:

  1. Why is my charity being charged fees to use a fundraising platform?
  2. How does The Good Exchange compare to other fundraising platforms?
  3. What else does The Good Exchange offer?

Hosted by Greenham Trust CEO Chris Boulton, key questions on this topic were answered by Julian May, The Good Exchange’s Head of Collaborative Funding.

View and listen to a recording of the proceedings here.

Download the accompanying slides (including links to all the websites and resources mentioned) here.

Based on feedback and suggestions we’ve put together a series of monthly forums. You can see the full timetable here.